
In 1997, the Lombard interest rate rose from 50% to 674%, in one night

Ziarul Bursa Ziarul Bursa,
In 1997, the Lombard interest rate rose from 50% to 674%, in one night

Interview with Radu Gratian Ghetea, President - CEO of CEC Bank) In banking there are many risks and that is why banks need to be flexible and have as diverse an exposure as possible, which take the market circumstances at the time into account, says Radu Gratian Ghetea, President and CEO of CEC Bank. He told us, in an interview: We have to adapt to what is happening in the market and we need to do things in such a way that the economic activity and that of the bank both function properly. If we 're going with the idea that we want to eliminate every risk, then we 'll just stop doing anything. For instance, we have been and we are a bank which heavily funds agriculture, which also means animal husbandry. A few years ago, our exposure to the aviculture sector was rather significant, and when the avian flu came we had to cover some non-performing loans on that segment. Now that the avian flu is done, we are facing the swine flu. What should we do, stop lending? Reporter: Lately, there have been opinions from some experts who are saying that there is a wave of non-performing loans of the ones taken out by the First Home Program. What is your comment on these statements?. continuă pe Ziarul Bursa

in 1997, dobanda Lombard a crescut de la 50% la 674%, intr-o noapte

Interviu cu Radu Gratian Ghetea, Presedinte - Director General CEC Bank) Reporter: in ultima perioada, au aparut opinii ale unor specialisti care spun ca urmeaza un val de credite neperformante dintre cele contractate prin Programul Prima Casa. Cum comentati aceste afirmatii? Radu Gratian Ghetea: Programul Prima Casa a inceput acum cativa ani, cu o asumare de risc din partea statului de 80% initial, apoi de 70%, iar acum a scazut la 50%. in opinia mea, de presedinte al unei banci comerciale, acest program a fost deosebit de valoros, mai ales in perioada crizei, cand nu puteau fi facute niciun fel de investitii imobiliare din partea persoanelor fizice, pentru ca nu erau garantii suficiente, iar valoarea imobilelor scadea, in timp ce oamenii aveau nevoie de casa. De asemenea, cei care isi cumpara case au nevoie de mobila, de electrocasnice etc. , iar noi trebuie sa ne adaptam la ceea ce se intampla in piata si trebuie sa facem in asa fel incat sa mearga si activitatea economica, dar si cea a bancii. Daca mergem pe ideea ca vrem sa eliminam toate riscurile, atunci nu mai facem nimic.

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actualitate, 21:01

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