
Prime Transaction: BVB, OMV Petrom si BRD - printre cele mai bune rezultate financiare in trimestrul al patrulea

Ziarul Bursa Ziarul Bursa,
Prime Transaction: BVB, OMV Petrom si BRD - printre cele mai bune rezultate financiare in trimestrul al patrulea

Trecerea pe plus a costului net al riscului BRD sugereaza ca scaderea dobanzilor este compensata de o imbunatatire a situatiei clientilor * in acest an ar trebui ca rezultatele OMV Petrom sa fie influentate intr-o masura mai mare de performantele companiei decat de contextul extern * Tinand cont de estimarile companiei, ar trebui sa vedem o revenire la trendul de crestere a veniturilor TeraPlast, in cursul acestui an. continuă pe Ziarul Bursa

Prime Transaction: BVB, OMV Petrom and BRD - among the best financial results in the fourth quarter

The increase in the net cost of BRD risk suggests that the decrease in interest rates is compensated by an improvement in the situation of customers * This year, OMV Petrom and s results should be influenced to a greater extent by the company and s performance than by the external context * Based on the company and s estimates, we should see a return to TeraPlast and s revenue growth trend this year .

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actualitate, 06:30

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