
The COP26 conference in Glasgow - a success for Romania, from day one

Ziarul Bursa Ziarul Bursa,
The COP26 conference in Glasgow - a success for Romania, from day one

This is the penultimate article in the series relating to the COP26 conference in Glasgow, Scotland. continuă pe Ziarul Bursa

CORESPONDENTA DIN UK Conferinta COP26 din Glasgow - un succes pentru Romania, inca din prima zi

Care sunt bazele pentru masurarea succesului sau esecului conferintei COP26 din Glasgow, Scotia? Protestatarii sunt de parere ca aceasta conferinta este doar o alta saptamana de discutii inutile, in cuvintele Gretei Thunberg cea mai cunoscuta dintre activistii climatici Blah,blah,blah.

COP26 CONFERENCE ON CLIMATE CHANGE The US-China climate pact has changed the dynamics of talks in Glasgow

President Xi Jingping was heavily criticised for not attending the CO26 conference in Glasgow . Now we know that he was negotiating with the U. throughout the same period and on Wednesday the two counties surprised the world with a climate pact covering :.

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actualitate, 19:45

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