
Bitcoin and the Reddit phenomenon - is there a shared explanation?

Ziarul Bursa Ziarul Bursa,
Bitcoin and the Reddit phenomenon - is there a shared explanation?

New technologies, the internet, as a support for social media, can act as a factor for the democratization of access to dialogue, to the social and political life, to decisionmaking. To use a concept of Albert Hirschman Exit, voice and loyalty and 1970), any citizen can make their voice heard, on any issue. Many of the silent ones can thus get such a voice. That can do good, but it can also favor cognitive dissonances, misunderstandings, division in society. Nor does it facilitate compromises in politics, if the public policies are not adequate. That is what has happened during the financial crisis, with the conflict between Wall Street and Main Street. This can lead to a rejection of the elites with their bad and good parts), of the Establishment. continuă pe Ziarul Bursa

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