
Gaza Strip - Israel, another hotbed of depravity

Ziarul Bursa Ziarul Bursa,
Gaza Strip - Israel, another hotbed of depravity

Palestinians, winners in social media I and ve seen videos and photos showing Palestinian terrorists attacking unarmed Israeli civilians, killing them, taking them hostage, looting the dead, the killer posing with his foot on the dead man and s head in one image, the victim was an Israeli soldier still alive), I saw corpses left behind, including children, I saw images of women undoubtedly raped and murdered, with half their bodies charred, dead with their hands tied behind their backs with wire, I saw a man shot, fall into his wife and s lap , shot later probably), in their home. continuă pe Ziarul Bursa

Gaza Strip - Israel, another hotbed of depravity

Episode 4) * Who is the cat and who is the mouse? Anti-Israel protests express disagreement with the policies and actions of the government of Israel; they differ from anti-Semitism, which is a form of hatred or discrimination directed against Jews as an ethnic andor religious group, but the differences have become blurred in reactions to Israel and s war in the Gaza Strip.

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