
Prime Transaction: Profits up for TTS and Simtel in Q4; historical annual result for Antibiotics

Ziarul Bursa Ziarul Bursa,
Prime Transaction: Profits up for TTS and Simtel in Q4; historical annual result for Antibiotics

The latest events in Transnistria brought back to the discussion the risks given by the geographical positioning of Purcari and s main production capacities * It is hard to believe that TTS and profit growth rate can be maintained in 2024, but for now we do not expect a reversal of direction either * Maintaining Antibiotice and s profitability in this would mean moving to another level for the company * Considering the European Union and s efforts to abandon energy based on fossil fuels, Simtel has very good prospects in the near future . continuă pe Ziarul Bursa

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actualitate, 17:45

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