
Renewable Energy

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Renewable energy project in Calarasi, started by Tenaris Silcotub SA

Renewable energy project in Calarasi, started by Tenaris Silcotub SA

In the conditions of the volatility of the energy market after the start of the war in Ukraine by the Russian Federation two years ago, the company Tenaris Silcotub SA will build a photovoltaic park in Calarasi, with a nominal power of 19. 8 Megawatts, which will provide 10% of the energy consumption of the production capacities of the respective company, Mihaela Popescu, the president of the company from our country, announced yesterday, during a press conference.

Business Insider: China sees the energy transition as a way to increase the importance of the yuan

Zongyuan Zoe Liu, Council on Foreign Relations: China is a dominant supplier of essential resources for the transition to a green economy The US dollar dominates global finance, especially in commodity markets, but China sees the transition to renewable energy as a way to increase the importance of the yuan, writes Business Insider.

webPR: Schoenherr advises Kommunalkredit on financing construction of solar power plants in Romania

Schoenherr advised Kommunalkredit Austria AG Kommunalkredit) on granting a EUR 25m loan to INVL Renewable Energy Fund I INVL) to finance the construction of solar power plants with a total capacity of 51 MW in Romania. This is the first Romanian project in INVLs pipeline to reach the ready-to-build phase.

webPR: Schoenherr a asistat Kommunalkredit in legatura cu finantarea de proiecte fotovoltaice in Romania

Schoenherr a asistat Kommunalkredit Austria AG Kommunalkredit) cu privire la acordarea unui imprumut de 25 de milioane de euro companiei INVL Renewable Energy Fund I INVL) pentru finantarea constructiei de proiecte fotovoltaice cu o capacitate totala de 51 MW in Romania. Acesta este primul proiect din portofoliul din Romania al INVL care a ajuns in faza ready to build.

Schoenherr advises Nofar Energy on acquisition of Romanias largest solar PV project

Schoenherr Romania advised Nofar Energy on the acquisition of a 255 MW solar photovoltaic PV) project under development from Portland Trust. Expected to become operational in 2024, this is Romanias largest solar PV park. It spans 290 hectares in Corbii Mari, Dambovita county and is expected to generate 362 GWh of renewable energy a year, enough to cover the electricity consumption needs of approx. 160,000 households.

Quantitative compensation of prosumers, in stand-by; President Iohannis sent the law back to Parliament

The prosumers still have to wait until they benefit from quantitative compensation regarding the electricity produced from renewable sources and introduced into the transmission and distribution networks in the country, because the President Klaus Iohannis did not promulgate the draft law adopted by the Parliament, but decided to resubmit to the Legislature, citing the fact that suppliers are not treated fairly compared to prosumers, even if the two categories are active actors of the energy market in our country.

INVL Renewable Energy Fund I semneaza un acord de imprumut de 25 milioane euro cu Kommunalkredit

INVL Renewable Energy Fund I, un fond care investeste in proiecte de energie regenerabila administrat de INVL Asset Management, a semnat un acord cu Kommunalkredit Austria AG Kommunalkredit) pentru un imprumut de 25 de milioane de euro. imprumutul va fi utilizat pentru a finanta constructia unor centrale solare cu o capacitate de 51 de megawati MW) in Romania.

Huge potential for offshore renewable energy

In the Romanian area of the Black Sea, offshore wind energy capacities can total 76 GW, according to the Maritime Space Development Plan *The respective plan was adopted by GEO 972023 at the end of last week *To unlock investments in offshore wind farms, the rapid adoption by the Parliament of the necessary law in this field.

Econergy si Nofar au inaugurat cel mai mare parc fotovoltaic din Europa de Sud-Est la Arges

Companiile israeliene Econergy Renewable Energy si Nofar Energy au inaugurat astazi cel mai mare parc fotovoltaic din sud-estul Europei, la Ratesti, judetul Arges. Proiectul reprezinta cea mai mare investitie in energie regenerabila fotovoltaica din tara noastra, in valoare de 102 milioane de euro.

IEA believes the Gaza conflict accelerates the shift to renewable energy

Saving the planet is a goal pursued, at least in words, by all means.

Cel mai mare grup energetic polonez investeste intr-un parc eolian urias din Dobrogea

Naxxar Renewable Energy Management Holding a semnat un acord conditionat cu Polenergia, cel mai mare grup energetic privat polonez, pentru vanzarea unui pachet de actiuni de 60% in cadrul companiei de proiect prin care are loc dezvoltarea parcului.

Cel mai mare grup energetic polonez investeste intr-un parc eolian urias din Dobrogea

Naxxar Renewable Energy Management Holding a semnat un acord conditionat cu Polenergia, cel mai mare grup energetic privat polonez, pentru vanzarea unui pachet de actiuni de 60% in cadrul companiei de proiect prin care are loc dezvoltarea parcului.

Grupul Polenergia cumpara 60% din Naxxar Wind Farm Four din Tulcea

Musat and Asociatii a asistat Naxxar Renewable Energy cu privire la semnarea unui acord conditionat pentru vanzarea unui pachet de 60% din partile sociale ale Naxxar Wind Farm Four SRL NWF4 - compania de proiect) catre Polenergia.

Agreement on the review of Fit for 55: new targets for 2030 on energy from renewable sources and reduction of carbon emissions

The new legislative package will reduce the EU and s net greenhouse gas emissions by 57% by 2030 *42. 5% of energy must be from renewable sources in 2030 *In the same year, 45% of the energy mix will come from renewable sources *EU member states and revenues from the trading of emissions certificates will be used only for projects related to climate and energy and for the social dimension of the transition The European Commission announced yesterday the adoption of the revised Renewable Energy Directive and the ReFuel EU Aviation Regulation - the two final pillars of the Fit for 55 legislative package, the implementation of which will ensure the achievement of the EU and s climate objectives for the year 2030.

Energy capacity development - held back by prosumers and project speculators

The development of new energy production capacities from renewable sources is being held back at the moment by some of the prosumers, who instead of satisfying their need for self-consumption have turned into real energy producers, as well as by the speculators of some energy projects, said Sebastian Burduja, the Minister of Energy, and George Niculescu - the president of the National Energy Regulatory Authority ANRE), yesterday, during the launch conference of the second edition of the Code of good practices in the renewable energy sector, a work carried out by Romania Energy Wind Association RWEA) in partnership with the Romanian Photovoltaic Industry Association RPIA).

Studiu EY: Orientarea guvernelor catre sursele interne de energie, cu emisii reduse de carbon, ar putea pune in pericol obiectivele globale de net-zero

Nevoia de securitate energetica si mediul recesionist asigura cel mai bun context pentru accelerarea industriei energiilor regenerabile, arata cel mai recent studiu EY Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index RECAI). Dinamica pietei interdependente nu mai este considerata sustenabila, iar energia produsa la nivel national, cu costuri mai scazute, cu emisii reduse de dioxid de carbon si, in .

EY: Orientarea guvernelor spre surse interne de energie pun in pericol obiectivele globale de net-zero

Nevoia de securitate energetica si mediul recesionist asigura cel mai bun context pentru energiile regenerabile, arata cel mai recent studiu EY Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index RECAI).

Presedintele Iohannis a vizitat Scoala Internationala de Energie Regenerabila de la Constanta

Presedintele Klaus Iohannis a vizitat Renewable Energy School of Skills RESS) Scoala Internationala de Energie Regenerabila, cu sediul la Constanta. Renewable Energy School of Skills deruleaza cursuri pentru calificarea si recalificarea adultilor, dedicate tehnicienilor care lucreaza in industria energiei regenerabile, in special energia eoliana si energia solara fotovoltaica. RESS a pregatit in 14 ani .

Klaus Iohannis a vizitat Renewable Energy School of Skills din Constanta

Presedintele Klaus Iohannis a vizitat astazi Renewable Energy School of Skills din Constanta, o scoala unde in ultimii mai mult de 10 ani s-au format peste 10. 000 de specialisti.

Klaus Iohannis va vizita azi Renewable Energy School of Skills

Presedintele Klaus Iohannis viziteaza, azi, Renewable Energy School of Skills RESS) - Scoala Internationala de Competente in Energie Regenerabila de la Constanta.

actualitate, 10:30

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